Religious Education
Religious Education (R.E.) is a statutory subject and is taught in all year groups at Carlisle. Through a broad and balanced curriculum (National Curriculum 2014) it is hoped that by the end of KS1, children who leave Carlisle at the end of Year 2 will be able to:
- retell religious stories, begin to explain their meanings and make some links with other religious stories
- use religious words to identify features of religious traditions and their importance for some people
- describe how people show their religious beliefs in different ways
- make links between their own and others’ experiences
- describe what inspires and influences them
- recognise their own values and those of others
- develop a sense of identity and belonging
As educators we also have a responsibility to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children at the school and of society and prepare the children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. The Education Act 2002 also requires us to actively promote fundamental British values.
These aims are achieved by teaching facts about different faiths, hearing religious stories, sharing children’s own experiences of religion and religious practices, having visits from Faith leaders, assemblies, workshops and visits to places of Worship. Regular displays in the front entrance hall encourage children to be curious about religion on topics relevant to their current learning.
At Carlisle the children begin to learn about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. We also consider the fact that many people do not follow a religion and where relevant, discuss other opinions e.g. Creationism versus the Big Bang theory, Humanism.
In the Early Years Foundation stage, R.E is taught through learning about people and their communities by continuing to build on the children’s nursery experiences. We give children opportunities to talk about special celebrations, festivals and events in their own families and encourage them to bring in photos and artefacts. This helps the children to become aware that we are not all the same and that there are differences among families, communities and traditions. This begins their journey of learning tolerance and respect for people of all races, colour and faith which continues throughout their stay at Carlisle.
R.E. is taught sensitively in as creative and fun a way as possible using photographs, artefacts, real life experiences such as food tasting, role-play, dance and where there is an obvious link, is sometimes combined with other subjects such as writing, art and Personal and Social and Emotional development. This makes the teaching of R.E. more meaningful for children. Parents and carers in any Year group are welcome to come and share aspects of their faith and culture and how their own family celebrate different festivals.